MONOPOLY Paris ...

Stroll Paris Monopoly streets

First game ROUND ...

As a start, the first cell in the game, we obviously start from rue du Départ ( meaning Departure Street).

It's a good thing as it's close to the rue Lecourbe, Montparnasse station and rue de Vaugirard...

Then we go through part of the 15th arrondissement and the Grenelle district to reach the avenue Mozart and avenue Henri-Martin in the 16th arrondissement.

We continue along the upper class streets of Paris through the 8th arrondissement to the highly chic Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré.

As we get a taste for luxury, we continue along Boulevard des Capucines to end up in Rue de la Paix. 

To this initial plan a few cheats along the way: avenue de Breteuil, avenue de Vaugirard, avenue de Neuilly, avenue Foch, avenue des Champs Elysées and avenue Matignon...

Texte / Photos : Martine Combes

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